Tag Archives: Sunshine Award

Sunshine Award

Guess what?

Rachel over at Spilled Ink has nominated me for a Sunshine award. Thank you! This is exciting!!


The rules are:

  • Include the award’s logo in a post or on your blog.
  • Link to the person who nominated you.
  • Answer 10 questions about yourself.
  • Nominate 10 bloggers.
  • Link your nominees to the post and comment on their blogs, letting them know they have been nominated.

And now for the 10 questions:

  1. Favorite color – Bright sapphire blue, as in my wedding colors.
  2. Favorite animal – Wolves! They are beautiful, intelligent, loyal, and know the value of both teamwork and alone time… I love them.
  3. Favorite number – 3, it’s a minor OCD thing; I really like it when my bag of chips or number of ice cubes or whatever are 3 or a multiple of 3. One of my sister-in-laws is the same way. Weird!
  4. Favorite non-alcoholic drink – Hmmm. Probably water or root beer.
  5. Favorite alcoholic drink – A good ol’ rum and Coke, though I also love Beringer White Zinfandel.
  6. Facebook or Twitter? – Facebook. I like to keep in touch with my family and good friends through it, plus, I’m pretty hilarious over there. ;)
  7. Passions – Writing, reading, teaching, long walks, traveling.
  8. Prefer getting or giving presents? – I guess it depends. I like getting presents when they’re things that I can tell the giver put time into planning (like, the gift is actually something they knew I’d appreciate), and I like giving presents when I can do the same for someone. I find it very stressful to buy presents for people when I don’t know what they want.
  9. Favorite City – Oxford! I miss you, Port Meadow, the Bod, our crappy old flat on Walton Crescent, and the kabob truck on St. Giles street…
  10. Favorite TV Shows – Doctor Who, The Office, Once Upon a Time, Parks & Rec, 30 Rock, Community, Lost in Space, The Monkees

And here they are the blogs I want to give my award to:

1. What She Would Have Worn – my friend Brittan is a joyful, fashionable ray of sunshine, so it only makes sense to nominate her!

2. Wannabe Writer Life – I don’t personally know most of the other bloggers I follow on WordPress. Allison is one of those random people whose blogs I found and decided to follow just because she’s very interesting, and I like to feel inspired by other people who are on the same aspiring-author path that I’m on. Plus she’s Canadian and they’re just nicer than a lot of people. ;)

3. French Words That I Can’t Pronounce – She lives in Oxford and therefore has a wonderful life!

4. Shannon A. Thompson – Shannon is a published author, and very cheerful and approachable about it all. She gives me hope!

5. The Sloans – Rebecca and her husband Andy are just the cutest stinking couple. I tried to convince Rebecca not to move away when she came and worked with me at APU for a semester, because “moving to England just for a boy was a bad idea.” False! Her life is amazing. hahaha.

6. The Happsters – The Happsters’ goal is to spread happiness, which, face it, we all need. :)

7. Zehira Blog – A fellow teacher who is proud of her students. This blog makes me happy.

8. Joanne Eddy’s Blog – Joanne had very sweet words for me when I wrote about Frisco’s passing, which definitely counted as a ray of sunshine when I needed it.

9. Writers Two – fellow NaNoWriMer and very good-natured.

10. Fictioners – This is another guy that I don’t know in real life, but everything is so interesting that I really enjoy following his thoughts.

Well, there it is. I tried to avoid re-giving the award to bloggers who already had a Sunshine Award showing on their page. This is my first blog award, so hopefully I did it correctly. Fun stuff!

I’m working on another post for later this week based on a bunch of awesome projects that my students have been turning in. It isn’t related to writing, but I love creativity in all regards, so hopefully it’s still interesting.

For now… I’m just glad that I got through Monday. :)


Filed under Inspiration