Monthly Archives: May 2020

that annual birthday introspective

Today = 32! Yesterday was my last day ever of being 31 years old. Birthdays are kind of strange…

These moments always bring such conflicting emotions: excitement for that special day celebrating me, contentment at having made it through another long year, existential terror at growing ever towards “old.” This year has another weird layer of depression due to “can’t actually do anything because of quarantine.” But reflecting on the year before the whole pandemic mess, it was a pretty good one.

My 31st birthday was when I took the pregnancy test that told me Lily was coming. The rest of the year was devoted to her, especially since she made me so much sicker than Sam had. That basically canceled summer since I needed to rest and grow her. I only had to teach one semester this school year, and it was a great one–I think the counselors took pity on me because of all the demonic students I’d had crammed into one period the previous school year! Christmas was full of joy, knowing that Sam would be a big brother soon and I would have a nice long maternity leave to provide Lily with a strong foundation.

My labor was not as difficult or scary as the first time, and Lily has been easier (as in, a better eater and a more consistent sleeper, with fewer…. explosive diapers) than Sam was, so the year started off strong.

Obviously, now we’re in a pandemic and half the country thinks it’s fake and everything is an atrocious mess. Lily isn’t getting one-on-one time as planned since Sam can’t go to daycare anymore (and Jeff has to work from home). At least I’d already saved up money for maternity leave, though. Overall we’re very lucky with how things have worked out, but I still have some sorrow over ruined plans. 

So thanks, 31. You were a good one. I grew an entire baby from a tiny egg to a 15-pound four month old and didn’t want to tear my hair out at my job.

I also didn’t really go anywhere or write anything of note… Considering the state of the world, I don’t expect to accomplish much of that during the rest of 2020, either.

So, for 32, I’ll keep my wishes simple: a healthy family, especially for Lily to continue to hit her developmental milestones. May COVID-19 not touch this household!

On another note, did you know that the villagers in Animal Crossing throw you a birthday party?!


That’s what I woke up to. I know it’s silly, but it really brought me joy. Thanks, Nintendo: you’ve been the quarantine MVP.

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